Treatment Of External Diseases With Acupuncture & Moxibustion

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This book is a clinical manual for the treatment of traumatic injuries, muscle-joint problems, dermatological conditions, and post-operative complaints. It has been written by Yan Cui-lan, a well-known acupuncturist specializing in external diseases from Tangshan, Hebei. Dr. Yan has written this book specifically with Western practitioners in mind. In fact, the English language version of this book is being printed in the United States before the Chinese language version in the People’s Republic of China. Practitioners will find this book a useful addition to their library, allowing them to treat an even wider variety of diseases.

Editor's Preface

Book One: Introduction
1 A Short History of Chinese External Medicine Vis ' Vis Acumoxatherapy
2 Disease Causes & Disease Mechanisms
3 The Essentials of Pattern Discrimination
4 A General Discussion of Treatment
5 Needling Methods
6 Methods of Moxibustion
7 Cupping
8 A Guide to Point Selection

Book Two: Dermatoses & Infectious Sores
1 Introduction
2 Nodulations (Furuncles)
3 Welling Abscesses (Carbuncles)
4 Flat Abscesses (Acute Cellulitis)
5 Headless Flat Abscesses (Pyogenic Osteomyelitis & Arthritis)
6 Clove Sores (Pyogenic Infection or Malign Boils)
7 Cinnabar Toxins (Erysipelas)
8 Scrofulous Lumps
9 Bloated Cheeks (Mumps)
10 Sloughing Flat Abscesses (Thromboangitis Obliterans)
11 Breast Welling Abscesses (Acute Mastitis)
12 Shank Sore (Varicosity Syndrome)
13 Seeping Sap Sore (Eczema)
14 Addictive Papules (Urticaria)
15 Snake Cinnabar (Herpes Zoster)
16 Oxhide Lichen (Neurodermatitis)
17 Warts
18 Chicken's Eyes (Corns)
19 Bedsores
20 Drinker's Nose (Acne Rosacea)
21 Frozen Sore(Frostbite & Hypothermia)
22 Pricking Powder (Acne Vulgaris)
23 White Patch Wind (Vitiligo)
24 White Sores (Psoriasis)
25 Wet Foot Qi (Athlete's Foot)
26 Wind Glossy Scalp (Alopecia Areata)

Book Three: Animal Bites
1 Bee & Wasp Sting
2 Poisonous Snake Bite
3 Rabid Dog Bite (Rabies)

Book Four: Orthopedics & Traumatology
1 Fracture
2 Wrenching of the Low Back (Acute Lumbar Sprain)
3 Forked Qi (Upper Back Sprain)
4 Sinew Binding (Ganglion Cyst)
5 Heel Pain
6 Tail Bone Pain
7 Damaged Sinews (Wrist & Ankle Sprain)
8 Flaccid Body (Traumatic Paraplegia)

Book Five: Impediment
1 Exposed Shoulder Wind (Periarthritis of the Shoulder)
2 Taxed Elbow (Tennis Elbow)
3 Jumping Round Wind (Sciatica)
4 Skin Impediment (Cutaneous Neuritis) (1)
5 Skin Impediment (Localized & Systemic Scleroderma) (2)
6 Sinew Impediment (Myotenositis Musculi Supraspinati) (1)
7 Sinew Impediment (Rhomboideus Strain) (2)
8 Neck & Shoulder Pain (Cervical Spondylosis)
9 Articular Wind (Rheumatic Arthritis)
10 Deformation Impediment (Rheumatoid Arthritis)
11 Thigh Wind (Piriformis Syndrome)
12 Chest & Rib-Side Pain (Costal Chondritis)
13 Mandibular Pain (Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome)
14 Crick in the Neck (Torticollis)

Book Six: Anal Diseases
1 Prolapse of the Rectum
2 Hemorrhoids
3 Splitting of the Anus (Anal Fissure)
4 Sitting Wind (Perianal Eczema)

Book Seven: Tumors
1 Goiter
2 Tofu-dregs Tumor (Sebaceous Cyst)
3 Mammary Node (Mammary Fibroadenoma) (1)
4 Mammary Node (Fibrocystic Breast Condition) (2)

Book Eight: Postoperative & Miscellaneous Troubles
1 Helping Heal the Cut
2 Postoperative Nausea, Retching & Vomiting
3 Postoperative Abdominal Distention & Constipation
4 Hiccough
5 Urinary Block (Urinary Retention)
6 External Kidney Welling Abscess (Acute Orchitis)
7 Intestinal Welling Abscess (Appendicitis)


More Information

Yan-Cui-lan & Zhu Yun-long

Blue Poppy Press, 1997

253 pages


Author Yan-Cui-lan & Zhu Yun-long
Publication Date 1 Jan 1970
Publisher Blue Poppy Press
Number of Pages 253
Book Format paperback

Needling Methods

Although there are a variety of supplementing hand techniques or manipulations in relation to acupuncture, acupuncture is particularly good at draining. Therefore, it is effective in quickening the blood and transforming stasis, clearing heat and resolving toxins, dispersing swelling and scattering nodulation, stopping pain and checking itching. In a sense, it is quicker than medication in coursing the channels and network vessels and for supporting the righteous and dispelling evils. Therefore, it is a proven fact that even for some internal disorders with heat repletion patterns, for example, appendicitis, needling may be a satisfactory alternative making expensive and complicated surgery unnecessary.

Obtaining the qi
Fine or filiform needles are the most commonly used of the nine needles. In manipulating this type of needle, one should try to obtain the qi. This is a special needling sensation which is a result of the needle stimulating the channel qi. If one locates the point accurately, qi may be obtained immediately after one inserts the needle to the right depth in the right direction. When qi comes, the practitioner will feel the needle in the patient's flesh become heavy, tight, or resistant to turning, while the patient will feel pressure, numbness, distention, or an electric sensation around the tip of the needle. This sensation may radiate or extend away to a certain distant part along the respective channel.

Traditionally, Chinese needling lays great store on obtaining the qi. The Spiritual Pivot says, "The key in needling is to induce qi to come, and, unless it comes, there will be no effect." The Zhen Jiu Da Cheng (The Great Compendium of Acupuncture & Moxibustion, Great Compendium hereinafter) by Yang Ji-zhou published in 1601 CE says, "The more swiftly the qi comes, the more swiftly the effect is brought," and, "If qi fails to come in the end, the case is beyond cure." Modern Chinese practice proves that there are cases which show effect even if the qi is not obtained. However, the fact should not be denied that there is a certain relation between the curative effect and the obtainment of the qi.

Techniques for hastening the qi:
If the needling sensation or qi does not come when it should, one may apply one or two of the following manipulation techniques. These are called "hastening the qi (cui qi)."
1. Twirling: Turn the needle to the left and right.
2. Lifting & thrusting: Repeatedly withdraw the needle backward a little and then push it inward to the original depth in a small amplitude.
3. Stroking: Gently rub the skin with the fingers along the route of the needled channel.
4. Scraping: Make the needle vibrate in a small amplitude by scraping its handle with the nail of the forefinger or the thumb.
5. Rocking: Hold the upper end of the needle with the fingers and rock it about.
6. Flicking: Gently strike the body of the needle repeatedly with the fingernail.
The first two are the main techniques for hastening the qi or inducing the qi, while the others serve as aids when qi refuses to come after a comparatively long time of inducing the qi.

Draining & supplementing techniques
Draining technique and supplementing technique are special maneuvers whose purpose is to drain repletion and supplement vacuity respectively. However, before applying draining or supplementing, one should have an idea about the functions of the acupoints. Many points, like Tian Shu (St 25) and Nei Guan (Per 6), have a dual function, i.e., they can be needled to drain or supplement depending upon the technique applied. Points like Zu San Li (St 36), Guan Yuan (CV 4), Qi Hai (CV 6), and Bai Hui (GV 20) are mainly supplementing in nature. That is to say that, unless one performs a special draining technique, they always play the role of supplementation. The last group, including, for instance, the Twelve Well points, the Ten Diffusing points (Shi Xuan, M-UE-1-5), the Ba Xie, (M-UE-22) in the webs between the fingers, and Wei Zhong (Bl 40), are distinguished for their particular effect of draining evil wind, fire heat, and toxins.

The conventional draining and supplementing hand techniques are as follows:
1. Twirling method: After obtaining the qi, if one turns the needle slowly and gently within the range of 180E, this is supplementing. On the contrary, if one turns the needle with a big force and rapidly in a range exceeding 180E, this is draining.
2. Lifting & thrusting method: After obtaining the qi, if one thrusts the needle deeper with more force and then raises it with less force, moving it deeper and deeper, this is supplementing. If one thrusts the needle with less force but lifts it with more force, moving it more and more shallowly, this is draining.
3. Varying the speed method: Slow insertion and quick extraction of the needle is supplementing, while quick insertion and slow extraction is draining.
4. Respiration method: Insertion of the needle while the patient is exhaling and extraction of it while the patient is inhaling is supplementing. Insertion of the needle while the patient is inhaling and extraction of it while the patient is exhaling is draining.
5. Opening & shutting method: Slow withdrawal of the needle and rubbing the point hole immediately upon extraction is supplementing, while quickly withdrawing the needle and leaving the needle hole open or widening the needle hole by rocking the needle in the course of extracting it is draining.
6. Direction method: Inserting the needle in the direction of the needled channel flow is supplementing, while inserting it in the direction opposite to the channel flow is draining.

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