Introduction to Yoga & Ayurveda for East Asian Medicine & Int. Medicine Practitioners

*Discounted price for logged-in JCM subscribers only: £28.50

This course is perfect if you have patients/clients telling you they “Do Yoga” or Ayurveda as part of their intake and you have no idea what that means or how to use that information to support your assessment and clinical decision making.

Course Overview

The increased use of Yoga and Ayurveda around the globe is seen in the media and in our clinics. Patients and clients who are open to East Asian Medicine may also be open to exploring and therefore combining different cultural medicinal, healing, and spiritual practices that influence their health and wellness. Yoga and Ayurveda are considered, by some scholars of Vedic traditions, to be “Sister Sciences.” While many people are familiar with the term “Yoga,” many are less familiar with the term or practices of Ayurveda. In addition, many use the term “Yoga” referring to a physical practice of moving the body with the breath. This is a misrepresentation of Yoga and it is creating much disharmony. These misrepresentations trickle into the minds and hearts of patients, clinicians, and the healthcare systems. Whether you consider yourself an Integrative Medicine practitioner or not, we live in a time when people have more access to cultural practices than ever. It is important as members of the healthcare system to begin unraveling the knots of cultural misrepresentations in our own practices as well as being a role model, guide, leader, and mentor for our patients and clients. The aim of this course is to give a broad overview of Yoga and Ayurveda and its intersection with East Asian Medicine. In this course, we aim to build a broader understanding of what Yoga and Ayurveda is and how they are similar and different to EAM.

Course Objectives

  • Practitioners will be able to define Yoga & Ayurveda and know their similarities and differences.

  • Practitioners will understand how the paradigms and practices of Ayurveda and Yoga are similar and different to East Asian Medicine.

  • Practitioners will feel more informed and comfortable talking to their patients and other integrative medicine healthcare professionals about Yoga and Ayurveda and its intersection with East Asian Medicine.

Provider: CPD Cert

Access: Unlimited

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